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Our People and Employee Well-being

In world-class companies, everyone shares the same dream or vision. Without an inspiring vision, there is no purpose, and we all need a purpose.

At Foxtec-Ikhwezi, we share the same Vision, Mission and Values, and all work towards a common purpose. One of our core values is:

“Limitless productivity from challenged, empowered, excited teams of people”

One of the ways in which we successfully achieve this is by taking world-class best practices to the front line. One of the tools utilised is the Mission-Directed Work Teams (MDW) training programme, (Competitive Dynamics International), which involves daily active engagement and participation by every employee.

“Companies consist of people - anyone can buy machines and equipment - it’s the people who make the difference.” At Foxtec-Ikhwezi we believe in developing our people by developing their skills and knowledge, and thereby ensuring their upliftment.

Through our shared vision, we encourage our people's strengths:

  • Passion for Excellence
  • Live Quality
  • Leaders who Inspire

We encourage our people's performance and output through:

  • Thinking big and delivering top performance daily
  • A Learning organization, encouraging creativity

The ethics and morals we live are:

  • Change = Improvement Opportunities
  • Trust and respect
  • Honesty and ownership
  • Employee Well-being

Foxtec-Ikhwezi has partnered with the Siyakhana Health Trust, located in Buffalo City, to provide our employees with free access to HIV/AIDS facilities, treatment and support.

Siyakhana is an international benchmark project providing participating small and medium sized companies in Buffalo City, Eastern Cape, with tangible HIV and AIDS Awareness, counseling, testing, treatment, care, support and impact mitigation.

We have partnered with Living Waters, a South African Non-Profit Organisation, operating out of Buffalo City. (Living Waters runs various integrated capacity building programmes, aimed at empowering vulnerable people.)

The emotional and psychological well-being of our people is of the utmost importance, and the related services offered by Living Waters are utilised to improve the well-being of our employees, when necessary.

Contact Foxtec-Ikhwezi

Contact our office on +27 (0)43 703 3500 or alternatively email us below.

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